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Photogrammétrie, levé topographique et cartographie par drone en Guyane, Martinique et Guadeloupe

Topographic surveys and cartography

Sentinel assists you in all your missions requiring 2D or 3D modeling of your land or infrastructure. Sentinel carries out the photo capture and delivers complete and turnkey diagnostics according to your expectations.

Topographic surveys by photogrammetry

Icône résolution précise pour photogrammétrie aérienne

Precise solution

Our tools make it possible to obtain a resolution of less than 1cm, and a calibration precision of less than 3cm in the plane, 5cm in vertical.

Icône livrables photogrammétrie et topographie

Formats adapted to your needs 

Our team processes the data acquired on the ground or by drone to provide you with the deliverables adapted to your needs and softwares.

Icône photogrammétrie et topographie dans lieux difficiles d'accès

Difficult to access sites

Particularly effective on large surfaces or difficult sites.

Relevé topographique par photogrammétrie en Guyane, Martinique et Guadeloupe

Topographic surveys by photogrammetry

Whether you work in an engineering company, in a surveyor or architect's firm, in the construction industry, or whether you are a community in charge of planning, these geospatial productions will be of great use to you in the success of your projects.

We have successfully provided the best possible solutions in photogrammetry in Guyana, Martinique, Guadeloupe.

Levés topographiques par photogrammétrie aérienne par Sentinel drone

Mines and quarry management

Sentinel provides autonomous, rapid and economical technical solutions for the management and operation of quarries or mines, by carrying out aerial maps and precise topographic surveys, to obtain 2D or 3D modeling of the quarry or mine.

This technique eliminates the risks associated with the movement of on-site personnel, surveyors or other technicians, no longer needing to travel to inspect or carry out surveys in the field.

Sentinel produces topographic plans, analyzes the data produced by calculating an extracted volume, or a high precision stock cubature.

Gestion des mines et carrieres par drone
Drone pour gestion des mines et carrières en Guyane, martinique et Guadeloupe

The deliverables

Sentinel accurately captures the particularities of the areas in which you wish to intervene and provides you with deliverables with centimeter precision thanks to RTK (Real Time Kinematic) and useful data analyzes for your studies (feasibility, design and inspections).

Livrable modèle 3D par nuage de points photogramm%2525C3%2525A9

3D model with scatter plots for CAD software
Formats : .las, .laz, .ply, .xyz

Orthoplans et orthophotos en Guyane, Martinique et Guadeloupe

Precise georeferenced plans
Formats : .tif, .shp

Mesures numériques de terrain et surfaces

Surface and terrain modeling for elevation representation
Formats : .shp, .dxf, .pdf

Analyses de photogrammétrie, plans d'exploitations, plans topograhiques et calculs volumétriques

Operating plans, field diagnostics report, flood simulation, topographic plans, volume and stockpile calculations.

Levés topographiques par photogrammétrie en Guyane, Martinique et Guadeloupe par Sentinel drone.

Call on our team for topographic surveys. 

Our team of experts assists you in carrying out topographic surveys by photogrammetry. Reduce the risk for your teams and get clear and detailed 3D models.

More services

Sentinel supports manufacturers, institutions, start-ups or associations, in carrying out their project, by offering imaging and engineering services.

Inspection infrastructures et suivis de chantier en Guyane, Martinique et Guadeloupe

Structural inspection by drone



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